Over the years there have been a number of customers who have asked if Winhost supports NoSQL databases. There is actually one NoSQL solution you can install in our environment, and it’s RavenDB. In this guide, I will show you how to get started with it (i.e. installed and running) if you want to try it out. The instructions have been taken from the official site and modified for our hosting environment.
First, download the .zip file from the RavenDB website and then extract it. Open up the “Web” folder and make the following changes to the web.config file in that folder:
Change line 3 from:
<add key="Raven/WorkingDir" value="APPDRIVE:\Raven\" />
<add key="Raven/WorkingDir" value="APPDRIVE:\web\ftpusername" />
Replacing ftpusername with the correct value.
Add/Insert the following in between the <system.web></system.web> XML tags to enable Full trust:
<trust level="Full" />
Once you have finished making the changes to the web.config file, save it. Then upload the entire “Web” directory into your hosting space.
Using the Winhost Control Panel, create an Application Starting Point for the “Web” folder. Open the “Web” folder using a browser (e.g.: http://www.HostingAccountDomain.com/web).
You’ll get an error regarding WebSockets. You can open up a support ticket to have it enabled and have “Overlapped Recycle” disabled in your App Pool settings, and that should complete the installation so that you can try it out.
I tried to do this. I did have support activate WinSockets, but I still getting errors when I load the page. The main stopping point is that it is looking for http://mobyus.com/web/singleauthtoken and not finding it.
Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.