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To push or not to push

There is a button in the elevator here at the office, high on the wall, that is unmarked.

Every time I get on the elevator I wonder what it’s for and feel a great urge to push it, but so far I have not. I fear that it may silently call the police or fire department, or, you know, release the elevator car from the cable or something, and who needs that, right?

Still. I might need to push it…

If you never hear from me again, you can assume that pushing the button was a bad idea.

Tell the world my story!


(I would like to take this opportunity to apologize for the preceding blog article which was not at all interesting, timely, funny or enlightening. Refunds are available at the door.)


4 Responses
  • RhinoMonkey Reply

    This would have made a great intro for a blog on how to do one-click publishing of a website from Visual Stuido to Winhost! 🙂

  • Hank Reply

    Why didn’t I think of that? You’re hired!

  • Kevin Howell Reply

    Did you ever push it? What happened???!!

  • Anonymous Reply

    I did push it. It took me to a secret floor, and I can’t really say what happened there. They made me sign a non-disclosure agreement.

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