Today we’re announcing the availability of SQL 2017. It’s now a new SQL Server option in the MS SQL Manager of Control Panel.
And of course, there are no extra fees for SQL 2017 hosting and is included in all our hosting plans.
Visit Winhost to learn more about our Windows and SQL hosting solutions
We are starting a new year, but in this post we do a quick look back on the previous year. Here is a list some of the some of the features, services and enhancements that we introduced in 2018.
Windows 2016
We launched hosting on Windows 2016 with IIS 10.x as another server option for customer websites. If any customer wants to migrate to Windows 2016, just let our technical support team know and we can assist in the move.
ASP.NET Core Updates
We launched support for ASP.NET Core 2.0 and 2.1 on our hosting platform. Winhost supports both Framework Dependent Deployment (FDD) and also Self-contained deployment (SCD). We keep a list of the .NET Core versions that is supported on the servers here. The list of updated as we test and deploy new updates across our servers. If you do not see the .NET Core version you are using, then deploy your application using SCD.
Application Updates
Nothing stands still. We continue to check the Microsoft application feeds and update the applications in our application installer. As of the time of writing this post, here is the list of recently updated apps.
Thank You!
We are truly honored that you trust Winhost with your websites and applications.
We wish everyone a very happy new year!
Visit Winhost to learn more about our ASP.NET hosting solutions
The latest version of these apps are now available in the control panel app installer:
Visit Winhost to learn more about our application hosting solutions
Years ago, I wrote an article on how to configure Elmah to be used on Winhost. You may have noticed that there is no official support for ASP.NET Core, however, you can use ElmahCore by barestan to perform the same logging to a database, and this blog provides an example on how to set that up.
First, we’ll start by creating a New Project in Visual Studio:
services.AddElmah<SqlErrorLog>(options => { options.ConnectionString = @"connection_string"; });
That’s it. If you want to know if it’s working, you can generate a sample exception like this:
app.Run(async (context) => { await context.Response.WriteAsync("Hello World!"); int[] numbers = new int[5]; await context.Response.WriteAsync(numbers[6].ToString()); });
That will generate an “Index was outside the bounds of the array.” exception which will be logged into the database. You can query the dbo.ELMAH_Error table to see the results.
Visit Winhost to learn more about our .NET Core hosting solutions
Earlier this year, Google announced that their Chrome browser v68 update will warn users that any non-HTTPS site is “Not Secure”. The release date for this update is slated for July 2018 – this month!
Check out what the Chrome browser will display (from the Chromium Blog):
Over the past years, Google has been slowly pushing all sites to be under SSL. Their efforts thus far shows that over 60% of Chrome traffic is now protected. Now that a majority of sites are protected, Google is moving to their next phase, which is to use their large install base of the Chrome browser to push even further. From our research, the update hasn’t made it out yet but it is slated for this month.
RapidSSL Flash Sale
So it is time to consider securing your site. And to help you out we are having a Flash Sale on RapidSSL SSL certificates.
For the rest of July we are reducing the RapidSSL pricing to:
1 Year: $29
2 Years: $50
Customers can order RapidSSL through their Control Panel and they can get this special pricing during this time period.
Other SSL Options
Please also note that you can use an SSL certificate that was purchased/obtained elsewhere with your Max and Ultimate hosting plan.
If you have any questions, please contact our technical support team.
The latest version of these apps are now available:
Visit Winhost to learn more about our Windows hosting solutions
I just found out that March 31st, 2018 is World Backup Day!
We had a quick meeting and decided to celebrate this special day by checking our backup system to make sure its functioning and continuing to backup our customer’s site/data like we do every day for disaster recovery.
If you haven’t done so in a while, we do recommend that you take the time to backup your websites and databases. March 31st would be a good day as any but it’s a good idea to make a schedule for backups at whatever time interval works for you and your needs. If you have any questions about backups, please contact our technical support team.
And if you want to celebrate World Backup Day everyday like us, then you can check out our SiteBackup service, which will automatically perform a daily backup of your website and databases for any of your websites hosted at Winhost or even websites and databases that are hosted at another hosting provider.
Happy World Backup Day!
Hosting on Windows 2016 is available as an option when you sign up. Windows 2016 hosting comes with IIS 10.X.
If you are an existing customer and wish to move to a Windows 2016 server, contact our technical support team and they can migrate your site.
Visit Winhost to learn more about our Windows hosting solutions